About Us

Family Robotics

The iRobot i3 is Family Robotics pick for best robot vacuums for 2022.  Not too expensive, most of the high-tech features, and 60 days maintenance free.

Since 2005, we've been keeping up with trends in robots and automation. Our company sold robotic kits. These allowed anyone to build and program their own robot.

In 2021, we finally launched our review webpage and will continue to add to it throughout the end of 2022.  Once complete, we hope it will be a comprehensive guide to the best home robots of 2022 and beyond.  Thanks for looking!

We take a look at robotics for the home and family from a technological point of view.  What sensors do they use?  What cleaning technology?  How advanced is the software?  Then we break it down into human speak and put it on a webpage.

Also, we take price, age of model, ease of use, and practicality into account to make the best decision on which model to buy.  Make no mistake, we are simply showing you the steps we use personally when deciding on making a large purchase.

Family Robotics earns commissions on products that you click on through our website.  This helps to reimburse us for the ongoing costs of hosting this website.  Thank you for stopping by, thank you for reading, and thank you for clicking!